【52pk 3月23日消息】有“手游界暴雪”之称的supercell公司,在开发了《部落冲突》和《海岛奇兵》两款力作后,近期又推出了酝酿已久的大作——《皇室战争》(Clash Royale)。就像当年的《部落冲突》那样,《皇战》一问世就掀起了巨大的热潮,不但玩家们玩得不亦乐乎,恐怕还有很多厂商会打算跟风玩山寨。
可能有很多玩家都听说了“钟培生”的大名。这位hkesports战队的富二代老板,在《皇战》一掷千金,在游戏中打出了相当优异的排名。他的两个号“钟培生”和“钟培生的小号”长期霸占着排行榜前列。作为一款F2P(Free to Play,即免费游戏)手游,在游戏里怎么氪金是很多玩家关心的话题。《皇战》玩起来花钱吗?0元党能够玩好这游戏吗?让我们来看看国外小伙伴们的评价吧!
Free Players: Did you reach a plateau where you stagnated for awhile?
I started a few days ago, and I'm currently stuck in the 900 trophy range. Prior to reaching Arena 3, I won most of my games and most of those were by 3 towers. Since hitting 900, I feel like I can't get an offense going. I'm at about 50/50 for wins now with some ties, and all but 2 games have ended in 1 tower being destroyed total in the game.
I've studied counter cards pretty well and I can cancel out my opponents cards consistently, but I get can't get any towers down anymore.
Nothing is more annoying than be lvl 3 against lvl 5 players and having barely any good cards good card. But those good cards you have are outleveled.
Lvl 1 prince vs lvl 3, lvl 2 pekka vs lvl 5, lvl 1 valkyrie vs lvl 3.
It feels rewarding when you win those matches but damn, your opponent has to do some incredibly dumb shit for that to happen. When you're both paying the same elixir for the same stuff but they're getting more power as well as having stronger towers, you really shouldn't be winning.
Exactly! The Prince and the Baby Dragon are always the two hardest cards for me to deal with. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do about either. And I do have a Baby Dragon myself, but it never seems as effective when working for me. They must like my opponents better.
For prince I use skeleton army and a cheap ranged unit outside the skeletons to do damage (the army is mostly to distract and slow down).
For baby dragon I use ranged units like archers or musketeer, I'll often spawn them behind a tower so the dragon hits the tower while my ranged units destroy it quickly.
Started in late February and had no trouble early on (completely f2p). I think I had a starting recording of 30-3 or so until I reached Arena 4. Then I started having a 50% win rate. I tried to analyze my deck, locate it's weaknesses and counter what I was often losing to. Swapped one card in my deck and bam! I was winning 80% of my games and advanced to Arena 5.
Guess what? Same-thing happened, my winrate dropped to 50%. What did I do? Analyze which cards were the least effective in my deck, swapped one card and I'm moving on up. I've peaked at 1615 as a level 6 (level 6 commons, level 3/4 rares, and level 1/2 epics).
Try to understand why your deck is losing. Ineffective cards? Bad decisions? Obviously you're at a huge disadvantage if the opponent has higher level cards but it's still winnable. I've been beating level 8s as a fresh level 6!
I mean that makes sense, some dingus with more money than brain cells will always make up a top player early on in these F2P games. Also explains a lot of youtubers who throw k gemming and hope to fuck they can manage to make it back.
玩家:IAmShyBot 17
But in the end, skill pretty much always ends up climbing the leader board. You can only pay-to-win so much before you actually have to use your brain and not be braindead every match.
however F2P players, no matter how skilled they are, will have to spend much more time to reach top ranks than P2W players. No matter how much skill someone has, a gemmer with all maxed cards and a high level will still have a much greater advantage.
但这个游戏也给了0元党玩家不少活路,最具说服力的就是“亚洲之鹰”这位中国的0元党玩家,打败了众多土豪玩家一路冲上传说组,并且在一些论坛比赛中击败了“梵战神”(仅次于钟培生的大神玩家),堪称0元党中的英雄。国民老公王思聪想必也投入了大量金钱,但他目前在游戏中还在20名开外,可见《皇战》并不是一个P2W(Pay to Win,氪金就能赢)的游戏